Parent Involvement
Parents can be instrumental in the classroom in many ways. Some parent volunteering tasks include assisting with technology, tutoring, co-teaching an area of expertise, and providing career awareness information. The parent volunteer experience mutually benefits the volunteer's child, other students in the class, the teacher, and the school. These benefits are too significant not to take into account, and many classrooms could improve with additional parent volunteers in their midst.
Thank you so much for expressing your interest in volunteering/chaperoning with the school! As with any other public school, each volunteer must go through a background check with the DCPS in order to volunteer with GLOBAL. Here are some of the steps you would need to take:
Go to www.duvalschools.org/volunteer and click “Apply to Volunteer.”
Fill out the application.
Background check takes 5-10 business days to come back.
Once approved volunteers will be asked to sign in and out in the main office when they are on campus during school hours.
Volunteer Guidelines:
Volunteers should never be left alone with students.
Volunteers should always use appropriate language and discuss age appropriate topics
Volunteers should always act appropriately. Inappropriate conduct will immediately be reported to the principal and can result in the volunteer no longer having access to the school.
Volunteers cannot discipline students. Discipline matters should be referred to an appropriate staff member.
Volunteers should obtain a permission from an appropriate GLOBAL employee prior to giving student rewards or gifts of any kind.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Volunteers cannot discuss a student’s performance or behavior with anyone, including parents/guardians of that student.
A separate email with school procedure will be sent to you based on your volunteer position.